Amino acids are vital in rebuilding and repairing muscle. Endurance athletes often train hard, tearing muscle fibers while straining tendons, ligaments and joints during training sessions.
Perfect aminos are used by your body in an almost 100% capacity for building new protein and collagen without creating caloric impact, helping prevent muscle loss during Intermittent Fasting.
Introduction to Amino Acids
As part of a healthy diet, animal meats and beans contain essential amino acids that must be digested for bioavailability by our bodies. Unfortunately, digestive imbalances caused by age, stress (both physical and emotional), unhealthy food choices or medications can hinder this process and render those amino acids bioavailable to us. PerfectAmino provides all eight essential amino acids in their pure elemental forms which is 100% absorbable so consuming PerfectAmino regularly will ensure high levels of power, energy, and recovery-oriented amino acids for all.
PERFECT AMINO stands apart from most protein powders by offering the exact balance of amino acids needed by human bodies to build new muscle and collagen cells; up to 99% is utilized. Furthermore, unlike animal and plant sources of protein that create nitrogen waste that taxes kidneys as much as other protein sources do, no metabolic waste in form of nitrogen waste occurs with its use.
PERFECT AMINO contains essential amino acid L-glutamine as well as the branched chain amino acids L-taurine and L-proline, all known for increasing production of nitric oxide in blood vessels to increase circulation, deliver nutrients more effectively to muscle tissue while clearing away waste products from your system. With all these features combined together, PERFECT AMINO offers endurance athletes an ideal protein supplement, optimizing both performance and regeneration during training and rest periods.
What Are Amino Acids?
Essential amino acids found in food must first be digested before being available for muscle, tissues, cells and other body systems. Unfortunately, the digestive process can become compromised with age, illness, stress or unhealthy diet choices; leaving our bodies without access to all eight essential amino acids that they require and possibly impairing performance and recovery. Perfect Aminos provides eight pure, elemental forms of essential amino acids in their pure elemental forms for maximum power, energy and recovery benefits.
Leucine, valine and isoleucine are essential BCAAs that play an integral part in protein synthesis (muscle growth), insulin regulation, blood sugar levels management, tissue repair processes and production of growth hormones.
Glutamine and lysine are two more BCAAs. Glutamine plays an essential role in producing nitric oxide, increasing blood flow to muscle tissue. Lysine plays a vital role in protein synthesis as well as immune system health.
Perfect aminos acids link together in molecular chains like pearls strung on a necklace to form proteins – the building blocks for every cell in your body from muscles and hair cells to enzymes and more! Furthermore, amino acids contained within proteins provide energy for you to work, play and recover effectively.
Perfect Aminos provides the equivalent of 6 grams of whey protein, 3 grams of meat protein or 2 grams of egg protein without sugar, GMOs or carbs – perfect for those counting calories, practicing Intermittent Fasting or hoping to gain muscle during a calorie restricted diet.
Amino Acid Structure
Perfect aminos acids contain a repeating core chain known as the polypeptide backbone that gives each perfect aminos acid its characteristic features. Attached to this backbone are side chains – functional groups which give each amino acid unique properties. There are 20 amino acids with this common structure of four hydrogen atoms attached to an alpha carbon (see Panel 3-1 and Figure 3-3); they each also possess unique side chains which may be nonpolar or hydrophobic (“water-fearing”), positively or negatively charged, reactive or inactive, or combinations thereof (see Panel 3-1).
Most often, amino acid side chains do not form covalent bonds with one another; rather, they hold together polypeptide chains via weak interactions known as van der Waals attractions, hydrogen bonds, or ionic bonds. These interactions determine the overall three-dimensional structure of proteins.
Proteins are deceptively intricate structures, yet structural biologists now recognize that many structures of proteins can be predicted from an analysis of its amino acid sequence. This allows structural biologists to accurately predict an approximate three-dimensional structure of any new protein once its sequence has been identified – often accurately enough that related proteins will also share similar functions.
Amino Acid Functions
Amino acids play a key role in building proteins and essential fatty acids, but they are also vitally important as coenzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and antibodies for various vital metabolic functions such as blood sugar regulation, production of fatty acids and protein metabolism.
Precursors to perfect aminos acids, lipids and proteins. Some perfect aminos acids are used by the liver to produce urea and ammonia while others contribute energy production, immune function support and aiding detoxification of the body.
Amino acids are among the most crucial compounds for endurance athletes, as they can be taken pre- or intra-workout to boost muscle protein synthesis and regeneration, reduce time to recover after exercise, reduce fatigue, improve sleep quality and aid elimination of metabolic waste products. Perfect Aminos was designed specifically to support endurance athletes with its EAA blend featuring L-glutamine, L-taurine, L-proline, vitamin B6 and electrolytes.
Perfect Aminos is unlike low-utilization protein powders which quickly turn to sugar in your body; instead it is utilized by nearly 99% of your body to build muscle, collagen, hormones and healthy skin without caloric impact. Containing only essential amino acids at precise ratios required by your body as well as Nucleic Acid Building Blocks that guide Protein Synthesis processes, Perfect Aminos is sure to meet its goal for maximum muscle building!